Saturday, February 20, 2010

House for pets

At present more and more American families have pets, from cats and dogs to crocodiles. A few years ago it was not a problem to have a separate room or building to keep them but due to the present economic downturn more home buyers are looking for downsizing to smaller homes. But here the problems arise because of some rules concerning pets

In some condominiums residents are allowed to have some pets in their units (types and sizes of pets are the subject to the condo association rules). But some associations let only one pet, others more. For example, in Missouri in some condos only a small dog of a certain weight is allowed. But some places don’t allow animals at all.

But what should people do who have had their pets for many years and now have to move to another place due to some circumstances? Throw away their pets?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dress: to wear or not to wear

I think that dress is the best clothing for women. I think that there is a mistake when women forget that they are women and start wearing pants. I love any kind of dresses - evening dresses, small black ones and long casual dress models.

I vote for women in dresses. The are so elegant and beautiful, chic and magnificent!